Chatime Retouching
EA Rigged and animated the Udder Delight character.
This was a fun quirky little retouching job for popular bubble tea franchise Chatime via the guys over Special Group. “Satisfy your Strange” is a digital, outdoor and AR immersive campaign starring seven crazy cool characters created by artist Sam Lyon and a range of super unique Chatime beverages.
Electric Art comped the characters with their drinks, finessing the deliciousness and embedded the QR codes. We rigged and animated the Cowboy and Udder Delight so that Unbnd could work their AR magic. Very cool seeing these interactive posters around town and instore.
Agency: Special Group
CCOs: Julian Schreiber & Tom Martin
ECDs: Nils Eberhardt & Simon Gibson
Creatives: Jeff Seeff & Joel Grunstein
Creative Technologist: Laurent Marcus
Agency Executive Producer: Sonia Ebrington
Integrated Producer: Emily Willis
Character CGI Artist/Animator : Sam Lyon Jellygummies
AR Build: Unbnd
Retouching & Animation of Cowboy & Udder Delite: Electric Art